average snowfall in fairbanks, alaska by month

Below are charts of accumulated snowfall and snow depth for for Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau. April 2022 was the tenth driest April on record, with a monthly total of 0.02 inches of precipitation.
MLS # 152338
There are data and descriptions here of how many days it snows and the total amount of snowfall that Fairbanks usually gets. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fairbanks AK-Alaska, River Boat "Discovery", Antique Vintage Postcard at the best online prices at eBay! return jQuery.ajax( options );
Show average precipitation in Fairbanks in Inches . Clickherefor a map of campus. Bring your sunscreen - Interior Alaska is home to the Midnight Sun in summer. Weather Map
Peak Snow Depth: 39 inches (March 1). Highest: 41 in. On average, April is the driest month with 5 mm (0.2 inches) of precipitation.
In the city of Nome, temperatures can reach 24 C in August, whereas in Baron the zero degree limit is rarely exceeded.
Throughout the winter months, Fairbanks has more than five inches of snow on the ground. return; Learn more about UAs.
